Category: Business Groups & Companies
SQUARE GROUP, Bangladesh's one of the largest industrial conglomerates, begun its journey from the year 1958. Mr. Samson H Chowdhury (25 September 1925 - 05 January 2012) was the founder of SQUARE. Today the Group owns thirteen companies; covering businesses in following areas - Pharmaceuticals, Toiletries, Garments, Textile, IT, Health, Foods, Hospital, Media, etc. SQUARE GROUP's yearly turnover is more than $616 million. The Group has 28000+ workforces in its different companies. Key people under whose leadership SQUARE GROUP is blooming - Mr. Samuel S Chowdhury, Mrs. Ratna Patra, Mr. Tapan Chowdhury, and Mr. Anjan Chowdhury.
List of Companies and Associates under SQUARE GROUP:
*SQUARE Pharmaceuticals Limited
*SQUARE Herbal & Nutraceuticals Limited
*SQUARE Toiletries Limited
*SQUARE Food & Beverage Limited
*SQUARE InformatiX Limited
*SQUARE Fashions Limited
*Maasranga Communications Limited
*SQUARE Textiles Limited
*SQUARE Hospitals Limited
*Mediacom Limited
*SQUARE College of Nursing
*Sabazpur Tea Company Limited
*SQUARE Air Limited
*Aegis Services Limited
Contact Info:
SQUARE Centre:
48, Mohakhali C/A Dhaka 1212, Bangladesh
Phone: +88-02-9859007, +88-02-8833047-56
Fax: +88-02-8834941, +88-02-8828768
Email: info@squaregroup.com
Website: www.squaregroup.com
Published Date: 13/06/2020
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