- Ohtshirt
Category: E-Commerce
Ohtshirt.com launched on Wednesday, 02 December 2015 as a T-Shirt designing and buying-selling social market-place in Bangladesh. This online T-Shirt store is an initiative of Prochito ITs. Its office is situated at Banani, Dhaka, Bangladesh. Artists of the country are invited at ‘Oh! T-shirt’ platform to explore their artistry skills for designing innovative/ingenious T-shirts and earn. Ohtshirt.com is the first ecommerce site of its kind in Bangladesh for designing and selling both T-shirt and its diagram/layout. The Online purchaser can buy and order verity of T-shirts from Ohtshirt.com.
Contact Info:
Prochito ITS:
Monach Apartment
House: 74(B1), Road: 21
Block: B, Banani,
Dhaka-1213, Bangladesh
Hotline: 01730306250
Email: contact@ohtshirt.com
Published Date: 04/12/2015
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